Man bothered by waking up feeling jittery.

The Reason Why You Wake Up Feeling Shaky

Waking up with a jittery feeling or feeling shaky may seem quite concerning to people who haven’t had any experience with tremors before, and rightfully so, but in fact, it’s not necessarily a red alert. Body tremors could happen for many reasons, and not all are serious. Nevertheless, you still should get yourself a thorough examination to be one step ahead of the problem, in case it is anything serious. In today’s blog, we will be discussing why you might be experiencing uncontrollable shaking when waking up, and provide you with some useful advice that might help alleviate your shakiness.

Why am I Shaking When Waking Up?

Waking up feeling shaky could be the result of multiple reasons. The causes of uncontrollable shaking, or body tremors in general, range from serious underlying medical conditions all the way to simply having a little too much coffee, making it a very tricky condition to fully understand and diagnose, which leads people to be too afraid of it sometimes. You don’t need to panic every time you’re feeling jittery, because often, the reasons could be manageable. Here are a few good examples of why you might be experiencing body tremors, specifically when waking up:

Low Blood Sugar Levels:

Low blood sugar levels, also known as hypoglycemia, usually develop when your body goes through a major and surprising drop in its sugar levels, so intense that it causes physical symptoms, like shakiness. Hypoglycemia could happen to you overnight if you haven't had any food for several hours, as this could cause your body's glucose levels to dip during your sleep. People with diabetes or metabolic disorders usually have a higher tendency to experience physical symptoms as a side effect of hypoglycemia. Aside from waking up feeling jittery, this condition also causes sweating, confusion, dizziness, and irritability. Additionally, hypoglycemia could lead to seizures or loss of consciousness in its severe form.

Anxiety or Panic Attacks:

Conditions like anxiety can trigger your body's fight or flight mode even during your sleep, leading to a significant increase in adrenaline and cortisol levels, which eventually causes you to wake up having "anxiety shivers," not to mention rapid heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, and feelings of dread or panic, which could be completely overwhelming. It's crucial to manage stress and anxiety using a variety of methods, including deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and, if necessary, professional assistance.

Sleep Disorders:

Some sleep disorders can interrupt your body's sleep cycle, causing many distressing side effects, such as shakiness. One good example of these sleep disorders is sleep apnea, which pauses your breathing for short periods during your sleep, causing a decrease in your blood's oxygen levels and, specifically in the brain, and an increase in carbon dioxide. Aside from uncontrollable shaking, sleep apnea causes fatigue, morning headaches, dry mouth, and excessive daytime sleepiness.


Some types of drugs, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and high blood pressure medications, tend to harm your body's central nervous system, causing side effects like uncontrollable shivering. These side effects usually happen at night when their effect completely wears off, causing you to wake up feeling jittery. The side effects can also include dizziness, and sometimes withdrawal-like symptoms if the medication dose is missed or wears off.

Caffeine or Alcohol:

As a stimulant, caffeine can produce sleep disturbances and uncontrollable shivering, particularly when ingested in excess or late in the day. Similarly, alcohol can cause poor-quality sleep and disturb sleep cycles even though it is initially a sedative. This may result in symptoms such as feeling shaky when you wake up. It's crucial to be careful while consuming caffeine and alcohol because they can both have negative effects on our capacity to sleep soundly. Overall, consuming too much of either could cause you to remain restless and experience an increase in your heart rate, in addition to the burden of having tremors.

Woman distressed by waking up feeling shaky.

How to Stop Shaking?

To properly address this type of uncontrollable shaking, you have to pinpoint the root cause first, as this is crucial for figuring out your treatment plan, and options in general. Here are some useful pieces of advice that could be helpful as a starting point, but do get yourself examined because it's the foundation of the cure.

Keep a Regular Sleep Routine:

Each one of us has an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm. This built-in clock helps your body tell if it's time to sleep or to be active, as it regulates sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, and other bodily functions depending on what time of day it is. Keeping a regular sleeping pattern helps your built-in clock to better synchronize itself, ensuring you a restful and quality sleep, enhanced daytime alertness, and keeping you away from uncontrollable shivering. So, remember that neglecting the well-being and synchronization of your circadian rhythm can lead to sleep disorders, fatigue, mood disturbances, and most importantly, uncontrollable shivering.

Keep Your Diet Healthy and Balanced:

Sometimes, waking up feeling jittery could simply be your body's way of telling you that it needs certain nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, keeping a balanced diet that provides your body with everything it needs could be the perfect way to keep any potential health risks at bay. Your body needs a balanced diet to get all the nutrients it needs to function at its best. Be sure to include a range of foods from all the dietary groups in your diet, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats, to help your body stop the shakiness.

Keep The Stress and Anxiety Levels to a Minimum:

Excess levels of stress and anxiety can have significantly negative impacts on your body, like causing anxiety shivers and sleep disturbances. Managing your stress levels is vital for your general well-being, not just for keeping the tremors away. So, make sure you do things that help you decompress, including reading, listening to music, going for walks in the park, or whatever else suits you.

Exercise Regularly:

In addition to reducing your body’s episodes of uncontrollable shaking, exercising regularly has more physical and mental benefits than you think. Keeping a daily exercise routine helps regulate your hormones, improves your sleep quality, boosts your cardiovascular health, and most importantly, reduces your stress levels. Moving your body for a few hours every day could seem like a chore, but it's significantly impactful, in every good sense of the word.

How our Steadi-Two Glove can Help:

At SteadiWear, we prioritize your well-being over anything else. Therefore, our professional team is always here to offer you the assistance you deserve to overcome your body’s shakiness symptoms and regain control over your body and motor functions.

The Steadi-Two is a ground-breaking glove specifically and professionally designed to reduce your uncontrollable shaking; It's a revolutionary assistive device that allows you to carry out your daily tasks with zero obstruction. The vibration disk moves in the opposite direction to your tremor, providing stability. It's lightweight, battery-free, and easy to use, meaning it's the only helping hand you'll need.



Woman concerned about waking up with shakiness

How to Stop Shaking from Anxiety Immediately?

Whenever you feel your body's beginning to get anxiety shivers, you need to do whatever works for you to bring your body and mind back to a calmer state. Slowing your breathing, going out for some fresh air, or doing some meditation may help stop a flood of stress hormones and reduce shaking.

Why is My Body Shaking?

As we’ve covered in the blog, body shaking and feeling jittery can be the result of several factors, ranging from serious underlying health conditions that should be immediately addressed, to much simpler things like having too much coffee or not having a regular sleep pattern. You should have a full examination if you wake up every day with tremors in your body to reduce the possibility of developing other problems or worsening your symptoms.

Should I be Worried if I'm Feeling Shaky?

You shouldn't be concerned as long as there's no major health reason for the shakiness. This is why it’s particularly important to get a proper diagnosis because it helps direct the urgency and methodology of addressing the problem causing the tremors. Sometimes people have tremors or shakes, which is normal and usually not a reason to be alarmed. To rule out any underlying health concerns, it's imperative to seek medical attention if the shakiness is severe or chronic. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis will help you make sure that the right management and treatment plan is implemented to deal with the tremors and enhance your general health.


Learn more about the Steadi-Two- a revolutionary glove designed to reduce hand tremors.

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In Conclusion:

You can enhance general health, maintain physiological balance, and lessen the chance of experiencing trembling in the morning by incorporating these routines into your everyday life. Consultation with a healthcare professional is important for additional assessment and customized guidance if symptoms continue or worsen over time. Cooperating with your healthcare provider is very important because they will work closely with you to come up with the most suitable and effective treatment plan depending on your specific needs and condition.

Whenever you feel your body's beginning to get anxiety shivers, you need to do whatever works for you to bring your body and mind back to a calmer state. Slowing your breathing, going out for some fresh air, or doing some meditation may help stop a flood of stress hormones and reduce shaking.

As we’ve covered in the blog, body shaking and feeling jittery can be the result of several factors, ranging from serious underlying health conditions that should be immediately addressed, to much simpler things like having too much coffee or not having a regular sleep pattern. You should have a full examination if you wake up every day with tremors in your body to reduce the possibility of developing other problems or worsening your symptoms.

You shouldn't be concerned as long as there's no major health reason for the shakiness. This is why it’s particularly important to get a proper diagnosis because it helps direct the urgency and methodology of addressing the problem causing the tremors. Sometimes people have tremors or shakes, which is normal and usually not a reason to be alarmed. To rule out any underlying health concerns, it's imperative to seek medical attention if the shakiness is severe or chronic. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis will help you make sure that the right management and treatment plan is implemented to deal with the tremors and enhance your general health.

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